Thursday 1 December 2011

Hello Fashion! Monique van Heist

picture by Daan Brand
In 2009, Dutch designer Monique van Heist launched Hello Fashion, a personal way to present and run moniquevanheist. Hellofashion is a continuous collection of ‘moniquevanheist’ classics by which she sets out to challenge the fashion system. This permanent and over time growing collection of garments, accessories and lifestyle products like furniture, make-up advice and even recipes, will be available for unlimited time.
Hellofashion cuts across the fashion system’s usual cycle by adding new products to the collection at any given time. The Hellofashion project comes with a loose-leaf catalogue. with each new product launch a supplement will be released. This way the hellofashion catalogue will amount to an interesting ‘moniquevanheist’ overview and keepsake object.

This morning I went through the cataloque again and here is a just small selection of some items I would like to have from Hellofashion. Take a look at the collection and the catalogue with very nice pictures.

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Jeckab said...
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