Wednesday 24 February 2016

Fashion Show Dotek in Zlín

Roman Častulík
Last week I found muself in Zlín in Czech Repuplic, a place a frankly never heard about before.
The city of  Zlín is knownfor its close link to Bata Shoes company and its social scheme, developed after the First World War.
The town ows its growth to Tomáš Bata who founded a shoe factory there in 1894 when the population was approximately 3,000 inhabitants. Bata's factory supplied the Austro-Hungarian army in World War I as the region was part of the Austro-Hungarian empire. Due to the remarkable economic growth of the company and the increasing prosperity of its workers, Bata himself was elected mayor of Zlín in 1923.
The whole city looks laike a concept city, as mlst buildings where build for the workers. Bata's influence is present all over the city.
The cities university, UTB Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlín, carries his name as well.

Dotek Fashion Show is an annual event showcasing young designers from the Ateliér Design department of the UTB. Five promising students where chosen to show their collection. The show concluded with an auction, in team work students have been working on a collection that was on sale right after the show. The benefits are aimed for a good cause.
Furthermore part of the event where the Fashion Talks, for which I was invited too give a presentation. With great welcoming I was pleased to be part of this charming event where new generation seems eager to learn and share.

Coming back to the show the highlight of the evening was the sophisticated collection 'Kafe & Cigára' by Roman Častulík. The collections by Lukáš Krnáč and Magdalena Mikulčáková also showed potential. The auction collection was a combination of clever design choices and modern aesthetics.

Although the venue did not served in favour it was evident that there is talent to be found in Zlín.

All images are by brankopopovicblog

Roman Častulík
Roman Častulík

Roman Častulík

Roman Častulík

Roman Častulík

Roman Častulík

Roman Častulík

Roman Častulík

Lukáš Krnáč

Lukáš Krnáč

Lukáš Krnáč

Magdalena Mikulčáková

Magdalena Mikulčáková

Magdalena Mikulčáková

Magdalena Mikulčáková

Magdalena Mikulčáková

Magdalena Mikulčáková

Magdalena Mikulčáková
Nikola Gurková

Ivana Klementová

Ivana Klementová

Ivana Klementová

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