Sunday 13 September 2020

Performing Identity of B.P.

In August this year, it is exactly 25 years ago that I arrived in the Netherlands together with my mother. We fled from the war in ex-Yugoslavia. In the night of 5 to 6 September 1995 we officially signed in to a new life in the Netherlands. 

In the weekend of 5 and 6 September Limburg Biënnale at Marres officially opened its doors. For this occasion, I am working on a small personal project. It is a visual report and reconstruction of personal and family stories and memories of life in Yugoslavia before the war, during and after the war. With this project I am revisiting the past, aiming to pay tribute to the traumatic experience that many people have experienced, in particular I see this a part of the healing process for my family, myself and hopefully to others. At this phase the project consists of a documentary photography, arheology of personal artifacts and short stries and thoughts on events that took place.
These stories are no more special than yours. But I feel the need to share them. What is not written, is lost. 
If you are interested you can follow the project via Limburg Biënnale is on show from September 5 to November 15. This exhibition brings together all kinds of artists, professionals, amateurs, and hobbyists in a festive celebration of the arts. 


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