Saturday 5 October 2013

Slow Fashion event during Residence de la Mode

Slow Fashion event at The Nutshuis, fashion event and catwalk show based on the theme 'sustainable fashion'

Het Nutshuis is seizing the opportunity of Residence de la Mode to dedicate an evening to morally committed designers, intelligent textiles and the ethical awareness of consumers and the fashion industry.
Just a few months ago, it was world headlines: sweat shops in Bangladesh were exposing textile workers to mortal danger. Major fashion chains were falling over themselves to distance their operations from the mala fide practices of textile factory owners. But the truth is that much of our cheap clothing comes from these factories. It is gradually dawning on consumers, fashion chains and designers that things need to change. From intelligent textiles to safe production, and from green to ethical fashion in Het Nutshuis on 7 November.

The programme 
Slow Fashion is an event that features catwalk shows by 4 designers, a talk show, speed dates and a film programme. Everything revolves around the theme ‘honest and sustainable fashion’. Engagé designers will show their designs, and experts will discuss the advent of the ethical fashion industry. There will also be a special preview of the photo project 'What we wear' by Pieter van den Boogert.

Shows: 1st show at 20.30 hrs / 2nd show at 22.30 hrs.

Pieter van den Boogert 'What we Wear'

Residence de la Mode 
1 November sees the start of the fifth edition of Residence de la Mode in The Hague. The first event on the agenda of this ten-day fashion programme is the presentation of the Dutch Fashion Award, a prestigious fashion prize for the most talented Dutch fashion designer.
The fashion route (Le Parcours de la Mode) forms an important part of the fashion event. Design talent from throughout the Netherlands uses The Hague as a national platform to showcase their creations for the fashion industry and the general public.
To mark the end of the week, the Gemeentemuseum will open a stunning exhibition about Coco Chanel, featuring her top designs from the ‘20s and ‘30s.

The Hague will be living and breathing fashion during this elaborate programme for the fashion-conscious public. The programme includes pop-up stores, a Slow Fashion event in Het Nutshuis, a (vintage) fashion market, a fashion auction, fashion route and gallery store.

THURS 7 NOV 20.00 - 24.00 hrs Admission is €7.50 (advance bookings) or €10 (at the door)
Book tickets now via
Het Nutshuis
Riviervismarkt 5
2513 AM Den Haag The Netherlands

Het Nutshuis is an independent platform for art, culture and society in The Hague. The programme is compiled with a view to the background and diverse perspectives of prevailing social issues.

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