Thursday 12 December 2013

Act You Age Festival - Day One

Act You Age Festival Day One
There is a very cool festival happening in Maastricht at this moment. There are many workshops, lectures and talks around the topic of aging and 'the art of growing old'. One of the discussions I attended was 'Being old is hot?!'
In this interactive workshop, communication specialist Susanne Kuiper, co-founder of visual communication agency Studio Breedbeeld and the blog Oldtimers, gave an inspiring presentation which contradicts the negative image of the current  state how the majority sees the elderly. Through the blog Oldtimers, she showed wonderful examples of cool projects involving elderly people such us the Fabulous Fashionistas documentary, Advanced Style blog, Granny's Finest project, Iris Apfel for M.A.C project and so on.
Very worth visiting:

Further more there where dance performances like the beautiful and intriguing 'Please be Gentle' by choreographer Alexis Vassiliou. 'Please be Gentle' is Alexis Vassiliou's first performance in a series of works on the embodiment of pleasure. In this duet two men ( dancers Jan van Opstal and Fabian Holle) attempt to stay connected to an involuntary bodily sensation we all know; the shiver.

More information about the festival:

Please be Gentle

Please be Gentle

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