
Friday 12 September 2014

Tour through Langa

In August this year I was three weeks in Cape Town and most of my time I have spent in Langa. In Xhosa Langa literally means 'sun', but the name of the township is actually derived from the name Langalibalele – a famous chief who was imprisoned on Robben Island for rebelling against the government.
Langa is the oldest township in Cape Town, established in 1927 in terms of the 1923 Urban Areas Act. Langa is one of the many areas in South Africa that were designated for Black Africans before the apartheid era. During apartheid Langa was the location of much resistance.
In recent years, the township has started to be rejuvenated as the government has invested in improved infrastructure. The Guga 'S Thebe Cultural Centre was opened in 2005 and is now the site of many community and cultural activities.
It is in Guga 'S Thebe where our project takes place.
From Guga there are township tours  (Siviwe Tours) organized and it is something I can recommend as it is a good way to get to learn more about the community and history.
It was a pleasure to work in Langa and to meet the wonderful people. I hope that our project will make a little difference in their community. Cape Town is truly an amazing city working in Langa was something I will never forget.

Here is a little picture report of Langa.

bike tour through Langa

Guga 'S Thebe

lively streets in Langa

Table Mountain as a backdrop

Langa's Washington Square

one of the many settlements 


people dress up for Sunday church and they sing with passion 

ladies preparing the smilys (sheepsheads)

Beverly Hills of Langa 

place where people can take water 

public toilets people have to share

these kind of houses are called 'hostels'

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