Tuesday 18 November 2014

White Perspectives at Somerset House

White Perspectives 
- part of fashioning winter at Someset House

White is the colour of winter. Almost ever-present, relentless and beautiful – in the fog, the frost, the ice and snow. Although the radiance of white is highly coveted, historically white clothing has been less-commonly seen during this dramatic season. !

The history of white is complex and in the context of Western fashion history, colours have been used in both rituals and to mark distinctions. This exhibition considers a handfull of views on how new materials, technologies and ideologies have contributed to changing the meaning and function of the colour white over time. It looks into the history of white plastic, white ink, white cotton, white pearls white lace, white teeth, white hair, white silk, white paint and white paper. !

Bea Szenfeld

The installation design is inspired by the collaborative relationship between Josiah Wedgwood and Sir William Chambers, the architect who designed Somerset House in the 18th century and features white silhuettes by Jean Paul Gaultier, Maison Martin Margiela, Gareth Pugh, Kokon To Zai, Bea Szenfeld, Ann-Sofie Back, Iris van Herpen, Fantich & Young, Mao Usami and Charlie Le Mindu.

Curation and Exhibition Design: Sofia Hedman & Serge Martynov
Special thank to Assistant Curator Johan Deurell and Fashion historian Hanne Eide

Gareth Pugh

Maison Martin Margiela

Mao Usami

Fantich & Young

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